Monday, June 26, 2006

Happy Birthday to Shaw Valenza LLP!

Shaw Valenza LLP begins its second week of operation today. The Firm's birthday is 6/19/06. For those of you who cannot resist showering the Firm with gifts, it is a demure size 3, it likes dark blue, Guz v. Bechtel and walks on the beach.

Have you seen our new website? The URL is If you ever forget, there is a handy link on the right side of the page that will pester you until you click it. Go over there to sign up for one of our public seminars. Jennifer is planning on selling out Arco Arena this year for our annual legal update. OK, coincidentally, the Kings will be playing the Lakers at the same time, but that's just a coincidence. Lucky Kings riding Jennifer's coattails.

So far, we have a beautiful office in Sacramento (520 Capitol Mall, Ste. 630), a phone system, Lexis, books, a digital copier, servers, website, etc. I still need a stapler, but all in good time.
Part of the reason we left Jackson Lewis is to have more contact with our own clients. This blog is one of the ways we intend to do that. If you think there's something interesting we should cover, email us! If you disagree with our interpretation of a new development, please leave comments here. To those of you who just want to make fun of me, please be civil if possible. You know who you are.

Anyway, you've been a lovely audience, but now we must go to work. We will post here employment law items we think are interesting, scary, etc. (Most of the scary ones concern California employment law issues.) Stay tuned, and please leave comments.